Friday, June 04, 2010

48 Hour Book Challenge: Starting Line

I literally JUST heard about this from reading my sister's blog (Lessons From The Head) and it sounds awesome! So even though I just read about this like 5 minutes ago and I'm totally unprepared, it sounds like fun so I'm gonna go for it!

So I'm starting. Right Now.

Starting Line: Friday, 7:40 AM (PST)


  1. You will have a grand time participating! But you did need to take a break and go buy great snacks! I participated for the first time last year and it was such fun. Keeping my 1 year old grandson this weekend so will not be a reading participant but am a cheerleader! Go, Merchickety, go! Happy Reading!

  2. Love the spontaneity! Also wishing I could spell spontaneity without going to Happy reading!
